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Leadership of Change® - Quote Cards (AMI 01 - 20)
Change Management Leadership - Volume 4

Change management and the Leadership of Change are a challenge for every organisation. It’s important that everyone involved approaches organisational changes with a growth mindset, learning from previous change, aligning the leadership team, using structures approaches and focusing on employee adoption to achieve benefits realisation and suitability.


Please enjoy reading our Change Management Leadership Quote Cards that are contained within our seventh book: Change Management Leadership - Leadership of Change Volume 4 :

Change Management Quotes, Change Leadership Quotes, Leadership Quotes, Friday Change Reflection Quote, Peter F Gallagher, leadership gurus, change management gurus, change management thought leader, change management speakers, change management experts, Leadership of change, change management leadership, change management leadership handbook,
Change Management Leadership, Change Management Leadership Handbook, Peter F Gallagher, Organisational change leadership, effective proactive change leadership, articulating the vision, modelling the new way, intervening to ensure sustainable change, change management gurus, change leadership gurus, leadership gurus, global gurus leadership, change famous change management speakers, change management experts, change management global thought leaders, change management gurus, change management body of knowledge, change management keynote speakers, leadership expert,

"Organisational change leadership is about effectively and proactively articulating the vision, modelling the new way and intervening to ensure sustainable change”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Articulate the Change Vision, Change leadership is the aptitude to develop and Articulate a vision that will inspire the organisation to the new future, Peter F Gallagher Change Management Expert Speaker and Global Thought Leader, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change leadership,

“Change leadership is the aptitude to develop and Articulate a vision that will inspire the organisation to the new future”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Model the New Way, The organisation will adopt change when leaders show and model the new way, Peter F Gallagher Change Management Expert Speaker and Global Thought Leader, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership, change management Handbook,

“The organisation will adopt change when leaders show and model the new way”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Intervene to Ensure Sustainable Change, Without Intervention from leaders, the change will not be adopted or sustained, Peter F Gallagher Change Management Expert Speaker and Global Thought Leader, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership,

“Without Intervention from leaders, the change will not be adopted or sustained”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Develop the Change Vision, Develop a compelling change vision that inspires employees with purpose and is aligned to the organisation’s strategy, values and beliefs, Peter F Gallagher Change Management Expert Speaker and Global Thought Leader, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders,

“Develop a compelling change vision that inspires employees with purpose and is aligned to the organisation’s strategy, values and beliefs”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Provide Competent Resources, articulating a change vision, without the provision of competent resources is just an illusion, Peter F Gallagher Change Management Expert Speaker and Global Thought Leader, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership,

“Articulating a change vision, without the provision of competent resources is just an illusion”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Inspire a Shared Change Vision, Inspire a shared change vision through communication, engagement and persuasion that touches feelings and emotions to enlist employee and organisation support, Peter F Gallagher Change Management Expert Speaker and Global Thought Leader, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders,

“Inspire a shared change vision through communication, engagement and persuasion that touches feelings and emotions to enlist employee and organisation support”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Change Design Involvement, Employees who are involved in the change design find it difficult to reject its implementation and become change agents, ensuring improved change adoption, Peter F Gallagher Change Management Expert Speaker and Global Thought Leader, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders,

“Employees who are involved in the change design find it difficult to reject its implementation and become change agents, ensuring improved change adoption”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Model the New Skills and Behaviours, Leaders with a growth mindset must model the new skills and behaviours and then support the employees to learn them, Peter F Gallagher Change Management Expert Speaker and Global Thought Leader, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change quotes,

“Leaders with a growth mindset must model the new skills and behaviours and then support the employees to learn them”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Enhance the Employee Change Experience, Leaders enhance the employee change experience through engagement, collaboration and equipping their change agents as business change partners, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership,

“Leaders enhance the employee change experience through engagement, collaboration and equipping their change agents as business change partners”


Change Management Leadership Handbook, Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quote, Peter F Gallagher, Intervene to Ensure Adoption, The only thing necessary for the change adoption to fail are leaders and managers who do not intervene to reinforce change, change management speakers, change management experts, change management global thought leaders, change management body of knowledge, change management keynote speakers, Change Leadership

“The only thing necessary for the change adoption to fail are leaders and managers who do not intervene to reinforce change”

Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Link Performance Measures, Change and benefits sustainment must be linked to the organisation’s and employee’s performance metrics, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership, Change Management Leadership Handbook,

“Change and benefits sustainment must be linked to the organisation’s and employee’s performance metrics”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Embed as Normal Operations, The change must be quickly embedded as normal day-to-day operations delivering the intended return on investment, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership, Change Management Leadership Handbook,

“The change must be quickly embedded as normal day-to-day operations delivering the intended return on investment”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Change leadership is about being a proactive growth mindset employee who has the knowledge, skills and ability to successfully transition an organisation from the current state ‘a’ to the future ‘B’ state, ensuring adoption and benefits realisation, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change,
Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Effective and proactive leadership is essential for successful organisational change, Peter F Gallagher change management expert speaker global thought leaders, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change management leadership,

“Change leadership is about being a proactive growth mindset employee who has the knowledge, skills and ability to successfully transition an organisation from the current state ‘a’ to the future ‘B’ state, ensuring adoption and benefits realisation”


“Effective and proactive leadership is essential for successful organisational change”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, without change leadership alignment at the start of a change programme, you might as well herd entitled cats with egos, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership, Change Management Leadership Handbook,

“Without change leadership alignment at the start of a change programme, you might as well herd entitled cats with egos”


e Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, I have yet to encounter a successful change implementation, without an effective and proactive sponsor backed by an aligned leadership team, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership, Change Management Leadership Handbook,

“I have yet to encounter a successful change implementation, without an effective and proactive sponsor backed by an aligned leadership team”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Modelling the new way of working is the one key task leaders of change do not need props for nor can they delegate, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership,

"Modelling the new way of working is the one key task leaders of change do not need props for, nor can they delegate”


Change Management Leadership Quotes, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, The days when a leader could announce a new change programme by email with an attached presentation are numbered, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership, Change Management Leadership Handbook,

"The days when a leader could announce a new change programme by email with an attached presentation are numbered”


Change Management Leadership Quotes Volume 4, Change Management Quotes Peter F Gallagher, Organisational change leadership Articulate the vision Model the new way Intervene to ensure sustainable change, Peter F Gallagher change management expert speaker author global thought leader, change management experts speakers authors global thought leaders, leadership of change, change management quotes, change leadership,

"Organisational change leadership is about effectively and proactively articulating the vision, modelling the new way and intervening to ensure sustainable change”


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