The purpose of the change readiness step is to establish if the organisation is ready for the change. Having data and insights from readiness assessments or interviews can help to ensure the organisation and employees are prepared for the change. The assessments or interviews can identify potential implementation gaps so that corrective actions and plans can be executed to closes the gaps and improve change readiness.

“Change readiness requires the sponsor and leadership to prepare the organisation and its employees for change implementation so that resistance is limited and adoption is maximised” ~ Peter F Gallagher
Gaps and Corrective Actions
The assess readiness evaluates if the key element are in place to support change implementation. These ten key elements are typical enablers to support the change implementation by reducing resistance and maximising adoption. These elements start with ensuring the employees understand the business case and vision for the change. Finally, it assesses if the there is a new desired organisational culture to support the change. Change readiness is typical performed using a survey or structured interviews the likely come will:
Identify Potential Change Implementation Gaps: The assessment will provide data and insights to identify gaps in the organisation and employees before the change is implemented that will impact change adoption and benefits realisation.
Execute Corrective Actions to Improve Change Readiness: Corrective action and intervention plans should be prepared and executed to close the gaps in the applicable readiness elements.
Sponsorship Element
Effective and proactive sponsorship is one of the most important elements in change programme success. Without effective and proactive sponsorship, the programme will eventually fail. There are three key elements to support the programme: ‘Say’, ‘Support’ and ‘Sustain’ and these should be evident in the assessment results.
Communication Element
Effective stakeholder communication with feedback is at the heart of successful organisational change. It acts like the blood in our bodies, but instead of supplying vital oxygen and nutrients, communication supplies information and motivation about the change. Communication aligns the vision, employees and organisation towards change adoption and benefits realisation.
Peter F Gallagher is a Change Management Global Thought Leader, Expert, International Speaker, Author and Leadership Alignment Coach.
Ranked #1 Change Management Global Thought Leader: Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Change Management (May 2020) by Thinkers360.
Business Book Ranking: Change Management Pocket Guide - Leadership of Change® Volume 2, ranked within the top 50 Business and Technology Books (Jan 2020) from Thinkers360 Thought Leaders.